Saturday, May 9, 2009

A new thing for me!

1st picture- Kaleb's homerun

2nd picture- Kaleb making friends with the other team.

3rd picture- And he swings with good form

4th picture- He actually caught the ball.

Kaleb chews on his glove the entire time he is out on the field.

Photo collage of my boys

The many faces of Logan Timothy

Kaleb James my first born.

I have watched a few of my friends do this and I have also tried it last summer, but now I think I want to put this into effect at our home to see if it makes my life easier while working. I know I only have 2 weeks left of work, but maybe if I do it all summer I'll have it down by the time school starts in August and I can freeze Brady some little homemade TV dinners.
Ok OK I know ya'll are dying to know what it is... I decided to meal plan. Not every meal because breakfast and lunch are usually the same everyday, just dinner. The meal that is the most hectic and easily a takeout fast food meal. I think if I set the meal up and prep for it the night before I will be able to conquer this idea.
So I am starting Monday. Thought maybe if I post it.. I'll stick to it. So here is our menu for this week.
Monday- T-Ball game at 6 need something to pop in the oven and cook. So we are having Pigs-n- a- blanket with chips.
Tuesday- Chicken Helper Fettuchini
Wednesday- Ground meat spaghetti
Thursday- Baked fish and scalloped potatoes
Friday-- Tball game at 6:00 so we are having meatballs and mac and Cheese
Saturday- Crockpot chicken- Super super easy- probably corn on the side
Sunday- Tacos
I have almost all my ingredients for the week..with the exception of taco seasoning and shells for Sunday, but grocery shopping will happen on Saturday! This should also use up my meat in the freezer so I'll be looking at the weekly food ads for meat sales this week.
I'll probably end up using all my fish before I can get some more. Wish I had some shrimp to put in the freezer. May have to send in a call for some next week.
I am posting some pictures of Kaleb's t-ball career. He is liking it, but has anger issues when he gets out. Thank heavens it is almost over. Also posting some projects I have worked on.


Robbie said...

Hey chick, if you type while pics are uploading it leaves

long spaces! lol. I LOVE the picture of him chewing on his glove!

Pascal Robin Photography said...

Get ready to go crazy this summer the kiddos are FINALLY out of PRE-K!