Thursday, June 12, 2008

Arghhh Matey! and other things

Ok so yesterday was a little off beat. The little guy sand I just veggied in front of the TV in the morning. Guy # 2 had an appointment to have his arm examined and well HE IS CAST FREE! Everything healed wonderfully and he now his cute little arm back. No more red club to bonk us with. We celebrated with lunch at Subway.
In honor of the cast being removed we had a water balloon fight. Then Guy # 1 had the bright idea to play water balloon baseball. Guy# 2 and 3 had a blast. My little guys love being outside and they love the water. We ended our day with a round of frisbee and dinner. The little guys had dolphin and Whale and the big guy and I had shrimp and angel hair pasta. It was a great day and night!
Today was a normal day. Guy# 3 woke at 7:30 and we played, ate breakfast and watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Guy # 2 woke at about 9. He wanted to play pirates today so we got dressed and headed on to the seas (aka our backyard) to search for treasure (aka lost toys) on the beach (aka our dirt pile) I decided since we were searching for lost toys let me clean out the car. So we cleaned the car and went wash and vacuum it at the carwash. The little guys love the carwash. After we washed the car we headed home for lunch today we had dinosaurs. Yummy. After lunch and a bath the littlest guy took a nap. He was full of ketchup so we had to sponge bathe him. When he woke up it was time to play pirates again only this time we were bombing forts. We gathered up ammunition (aka acorns) and began bombing each others forts ( mine was the picnic blanket and little guys was the Swingset) I decided to end the game or so I thought by saying he had blown up fort and I was dead to which he replied " now you are a ghost pirate' You have to haunt us. So I was a ghost pirate and chased my boys around the back yard. Guess I can cancel the gym membership for myself. We had fun, but I am pooped. Oh by the way I was cleaning house in between these pirate plays. I am sure we will have round 3 when littlest guy wakes up from his nap. WHY can't guy # 2 take naps? The day isn't over and if I don't pass out with the boys, I'll post again. Now off to make pigs in the blanket!

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