Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ok so I really don't have much to say. Just been enjoying my time off from work and trying to maintain my weight. I really need to get out of this house and stay away from food. That is one good thing about working I don't snack like I do when I am home. I'm trying to get back on my water drinking, but am not having much success. I do know that in two weeks I'll get to go to the gym at least 2 days a week so that may help me get back into the swing of things. I really want to go back to work being a size 14 instead of a 16. I want to be smaller again.
Having the boys here is also making it hard on me because they are constantly wanting snacks. I do make them healthy snacks, but I also give them sweets every once in a while.
I have started thinking about my class this coming school year. I really need to start getting lessons together. I think this will be fun. I new learning experience for me. But, I think I'll be able to handle it.
Oh well enough about me. The boys are doing great! Everyone is enjoying their time together. We went swimming with our friends the Faulks and I got a nice sunburn which is actually turning into a tan. I haven't tanned like this since before Guy# 2 was born . I actually have a swimsuit line. Wow.
Life is going great..going to spend time with my brother and sis in law tomorrow around the pool at their apartment. Going to have pork chops and hot dogs.
Hope life is treating every one kindly!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I am trying the weight thing too. I had to fast for that special diet the doctor put me on but after that I gained everything I had lost in the past year plus some . I am thinking about trying WW again though.

I hear you on the sunburn. I got one this weekend also when we went canoing.