Thursday, June 19, 2008

Really should be...

OK so the past few days have not been real interesting. Guy #2 has acted up so badly that he has been punished from playing outside therefore there has been no imagination games going on. We did however play Subway last night at Mammy and Pampy's. It really was fun because everyone was playing. Guy # 2 loves when he has everyone playing with him including his best friend---his daddy.
Yesterday I got some time away from at least one of my little guys and ran errands with just one little guy to worry about. Thanks to my wonderful big guy for keeping guy # 2 with him so I could get my errands done quickly. In fact all errands were finished in 2 hours. I love it.
My boys and I will be attending Diego Live thanks to our good friend Mrs. Carlie Faulk for giving us a ticket so that little guy # 3 can get into the show. We will be seated close to the Faulk bunch so that will be awesome. We saw Diego last year, but I think guy# 2 will enjoy the extra special things that will happen and I can't wait to see guy# 3 's face. I'm bringing his ear plugs just in case it is too loud for him. This is also happening during his nap time. I just hope that Diego can keep his attention. If not I may be in the wings watching guy# 2 .
Well GUy #2 wants to play a game so I am off to play. I also need to cook supper. HOT DOGS!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

It must be something in the air. My kids have been acting up the past few days also.

How sweet of carlie to give you a ticket. Have Fun.