Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cleaning boot camp and items that need a new home!

Ok so today was day 2 of Operation Clean Sweep and sergeant big guy is not backing down. Didn't realized I married a member of the cleaning army. Hmm this boot camp is going to kill my laziness yet. Hmmm, maybe I took Mrs. Connie's suggestion of leave the dust bunnies and play with my boys a little too serious.
So ok as you all have figured I hate housework. I would rather play with my boys than dust, clean the bathroom, and throw out old stuff. But, the past two days have been stress relief. We have just cleaned our master bedroom and bathroom and man it feels good already. Tomorrow we attack the computer room. That is Sergeant Big Guy's room and the little guys' dress clothes is housed in the closet in there because their room has no closet. I have so much stuff to give away and I also have many many many baby things to sell. I'll type out a list at the end of the blog. I also have some books that are looking for a good home. I'll make that list also.
So Sgt. Big Guy and I are bombing these rooms like there is no tomorrow. We have to get them all done by Friday. We have 3 rooms left to tackle and the living room and Kitchen need to be straightened up. Not a problem like I said the Sarge doesn't let up without a fight. He lets us break, but he means business. I know I am making my husband sound bad, but he really isn't he has to be tough on me during this time or I'll just sit and let him do all the work. But, I have realized it HAS TO STAY THIS WAY!!!
It is really hard to clean with guy # 3 awake. He wants to "help" and well he just gets in the way making total chaos. The Sarge doesn't get too happy with Lt. Guy # 3. Lt Guy# 2 is doing pretty good with our cleaning mission. He helps when he feels like it or he veggies in front of the computer playing Frogger or he uses his imagination and plays with his toys. We are so proud of him. Now if we can just get him to listen on command and to quit hurting his brother. It's time for him to have some alone time with just the Guy #1 and I.

Ok so I promised I would list the baby items so here we go. I'll give what they are and how much I want for them. If you want them call me or email me (timberdoodle88@aol.com). Really need to sell these soon. I am fixing to take them to a flea market to see if a lady will buy them from me.

baby swing (Ocean Wonders Fisher Price) paid 100 asking 40
Ocean Wonders Bouncer paid 35 asking 15
Baby bath tub asking $5
bath tub ring for older baby asking $5
baby monitor paid 50 asking 20
homemade Boppy pillow $10
Travel system ( stroller, infant seat, 2 bases for car) paid 200 asking 100
Stationary walker paid 75 asking 25
Pack and Play paid 75 asking 50
Rain forest mobile paid 15 asking 5

I also have boys baby clothes if anyone wants them. I am not selling it. Unless someone makes me a deal. I think it is mostly 3-6 month clothing.

Now for the books. These are free to a good home!

Nicholas Sparks Nights in Rodanthe
Nicholas Sparks True Believer
Nicholas SParks The Wedding
Nicholas Sparks The Guardian
Nicholas Sparks A Bend in the Road
Robert Dalby Waltzing at the Piggly Wiggly
Jacqulyn Mitchard The Deep End of the Ocean --- AWESOME BOOK
Ernest Gaines A lesson Before Dying
Vicki Lewis Thompson The Nerd Who Loved ME
Judith McNaught- Double Standards and Something Wonderful
Robert Morgan- Gap Creek
James Patterson- Suzanne's Diary to Nicholas

Anyone wants any of the listed items, PLEASE EMAIL ME or if you know my number CALL ME!

1 comment:

anon said...

maybe you could bring whatever doesn't sell or the leftover books to the garage sale for emma that acadiana moms is hosting.